Saturday 2 May 2009

Traffic Bottle-Neck and other matters affecting Castaheany Residents

One of my major concerns is the traffic bottle-neck at the start of the Ongar Distributor road roundabout towards Coolmine.

Residents of Lohunda, Allendale, Ongar, Manorfield, Beechfield, Castle grange and other areas of Castaheany have voiced their frustration over this traffic problem which is caused by the narrowness of the Snugsborough road towards the shopping centre. This section is only controlled by a right-of-way roundabout near the Topaz garage instead of a traffic light.

Following a number of representations from the affected members of my constituency, I plan to take issue with the Fingal County Council on this matter. These and other issues will be visited at a planned consultation evening with residents of the above mentioned areas in February.

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